










电子邮箱: chenxuan@hnu.edu.cn; chenxuan@berkeley.edu

通讯地址:湖南省沙市岳麓区湖南大学建筑学院 邮编410082



2016/12-   美国加州大学伯克利分校环境设计学院博士后/(全球人居环境研究中心-Margaret Crawford)

2017-至今 湖南大学建筑学院副教授

2009-2017  湖南大学建筑学院助理教授



[1] 丘陵城市建筑高度规划控制系统构建(1/2),《城市规划》20170964-71;;

[2] 最大化开放性体验设计原则在丘陵城市设计中的应用(1/2),《湖南大学学报》,201801

[3] 城市街道空间的非正规化演化(1/2),《城市规划》201304308474-80

[4] 拼贴城市(1/1),《城市规划》20121130311):20-28

[5] 最大化可穿越体验设计原则在丘陵城市设计中的应用(1/3,《中国园林》201212

[6] Environment-Behavior Research Association,EBRA2012Evaluation on the actual effect of public square spatial system in DalianChina1/2201210

[7] 从“眺望性”到“体验性”——历史街区周边建筑高亮度控制的策略研究(1/1),2014 城市规划年会;

[8] 基于多学科交叉理论的公众参与式城市规划课程教学方法初探,2015年全国高等学校城乡规划学科专业指导委员会(1/1);2015/09/23-2015/09/26

[9] 城市的科学社会调查研究方法建构1/12016 全国高等学校城市规划专业指导委员会(优秀教学论文,宣读),2016;

[10] 新城市主义及其对当代中国居住社区设计的影响(1/1,《中外建筑》2011

[11] 解读英国城市景观控制规划(1/2,《国际城市规划》2009

[12] 高校外周边地区“学生街”现状调查研究(1/2,《建筑学报》20071072-77

[13] 西方城市规划史对我国城市规划的启示(3/3,《城市规划》2006

[14] Urban Informality: A Case of the Reality of Campus and Its Periphery Student Village, Wuchang ChinaA 6* (RAE)  BuHu 8th International Postgraduate Research Conference, UK2008




[1]  2016年湖南大学年度优秀教师奖;

[2] 2016年中国高等学校城乡规划教育年会”优秀论文,于“全国高等学校城乡规划学科专业指导委员会2016年会”大会宣读;

[3]  2016年湖南省普通高校教师课堂教学竞赛,二等奖;


[1]  国家自然科学基金(50778076):城市非正规性视野下得旧城空间演变模式探讨,2007-2010;项目主要参与人;

[2]  湖南省科技厅科技计划(2012FJ6076):长沙传统商业街区非正规演变模式及规划对策研究;(2012-2014)项目负责人;

[3] 国家自然科学基金(51508173):安全、连续、共生的城市儿童游戏空间体系规划研究,项目主要参与人;

[4] 博士点基金(201305440697利用网络公众参与技术(PPGIS)进行社区规划中地方价值共建的应用理论研究2013-2015):项目主要参与人;
[5] 主管部门科技项目:WebGISWeb2.0技术在城市规划、建筑学空间教学资料数据库建设中的应用探索研究,主管部门科技项目(第48批留学回国科研启动金),(2015-2016)项目主要参与人;

[6] 湖南大学教学改革(2012026):基于多学科交叉理论的公众参与式规划教学方法初探,(2012-2013);项目负责人;

[7] 湖南省省级教改,信息化背景下的城市设计课程“微教学”模式研究,(2015-2017),项目主要参与人;

[8]  湖南大学青年教师成长计划基金(2012071):城市中心传统商业街区自建模式的认知及规划应对策略研究(2012-2017);项目负责人;

[9]  湖南省科技厅科技计划(201133440795):湖南丘陵地区新建保障性住房设计策略研(2010-2013);项目主要参与人;


[1] 长沙市立体停车库规划设计导则,长沙市城乡规划管理局;2017

[2] 长沙老年关爱城市规划设计导则,长沙市城乡规划管理局;2016

[3] 长沙市2050战略规划-公众参与专题研究,长沙市城乡规划管理局;2015

[4] 长沙市居住公共设施规划研究,长沙市城乡规划管理局;2015

[5] 湖南长沙岳麓山风景名胜区规划修编(湖南省优秀城乡规划设计奖——三等奖),长沙市城乡规划管理局 2014

[6] 长沙市高铁新城绿色空间与产城融合概念规划,长沙市城乡管理局,2014

[7] 湖南大学校园总体规划,湖南大学,2014

[8] 长沙市历史街区活化研究,长沙市城乡管理局,2012-2013

[9] 长沙市历史民居生态保护策略研究,长沙市城乡管理局,2012-2013

[10] 长沙雨敞坪镇镇域发展概念规划,长沙市岳麓区政府; 2013

[11] 长沙雨敞坪镇中心镇改造规划与设计,长沙市岳麓区政府;2013

[12] 浙江海宁市海宁大道城市设计(竞标方案一等奖),海宁市城乡规划管理局,2012

[13] 长沙大河西先导区梅溪湖西片区规划策划,湘江新区,2011


[1] 街道高效就医地图,全国高等学校城乡规划专业指导委员会,城乡社会综合实践调研报告竞赛一等奖, 2015

[2] 城市夜跑,全国高等学校城乡规划专业指导委员会,城乡社会综合实践调研报告竞赛佳作奖,2016

[3] 失守的外滩,全国高等学校城乡规划专业指导委员会,城乡社会综合实践调研报告竞赛佳作奖,2015

[4] 屋顶要革命,全国高等学校城乡规划专业指导委员会,城乡社会综合实践调研报告竞赛二等奖,2015

[5] 白首需相依-需求视角下长沙某老旧社区居家养老服务模式发展研究,全国高等学校城乡规划专业指导委员会,城乡社会综合实践调研报告竞赛三等奖; 2014

[6] -长沙后湖地区城市更新,全国高等学校城乡规划专业指导委员会,城市设计竞赛佳作奖; 2014




My research is concerned with the history and present of public everyday life practice, with a focus on interactions between China and the West. My theoretical interests revolve around the critical distinctions of Formality and Informality, Top-down and Bottom up, Social and commodity, Originality and Imitation, Conceptual and Normal labor, and thus my work focuses on objects and practices at the boundary of these categories.

My first book, Urban Informality(Southeast University Press of China2010) Senate author with my PhD supervisor Prof.Longyuan, is a study of Hanzheng Street, China, the world's largest production center for commodity Market. It consists of 78 lanes and covers an area of 1.67 square kilometers. The book examines conceptual top-down urban renew, different social groups, streets, property rights in Hanzheng Street, and evaluates the formal Urbanization.

Obtained my PhD from the History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture a program at HUST and Cardiff Uni.

I am currently working on my first monograph on Market Tactics since the housing system reform in 1998. This book will situate the Street vendors, retail owners, tenants work of anonymous.

Meantime to joining the department of HNU, I do my postdoctoral work as a Junior Fellow of College Environmental Design, Berkeley University with Margaret Crawford in the Global Urban Humanities.

Education Background

12/2016-PostdoctoralUniversity of California, Berkeley

10/2009 – 09/2005, PhD at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

10/2007 -09/2008, Exchange Student in city and regional planning College, Cardiff University, UK( Full funding by China national study Fund Committee,)

09/2005 – 06/2004,Master of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China (Graduation grade: excellent)

09/1999 – 06/2004,Bachelor of Architecture, HuNan University, Changsha,China (Graduation grade: excellent)


Hunan University outstanding teachers, Hunan University,2016;

Hunan Province classroom teaching competition second prize, Hunan Provincial Department of Education,2016;

National urban and rural planning professional teaching excellent paper award,National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China,2016;


Building height control method system in Hilly City (1/1), "City Planning Review " ,Beijing,China, 09/2017

Informal Evolution of Urban Street Space (1/1), "City Planning Review " ,Beijing,China, 04/2013

Collage City (1/1), "City Planning Review " ,Beijing, China, 11/2012

Maximized through Design Principles in the Hills Hity Design, "Chinese Garden" ,Beijing, China, 12/2012

New Urbanism and its influence on contemporary Chinese residential community design (1/1), "Chinese and foreign construction" ,Changsha , China,12/2011

Research on "Student Street" surrounding Universities (1/2), "Architectural Journal" ,Beijing, China, 11/2008

Western Planning History Enlightenment urban planning (3/3), "City Planning Review", Beijing, China, 11/2006;

Control in British urban landscape planning (1/2), "Urban Planning International", Beijing, China, 02/2009

The regional government of moving construction "Administrative Area" phenomenon (1/1), "Huazhong Architecture",Wuhan, China,12/2006

2016 China Urban Planning Professional Steering Committee City Science and Society Survey Research Method Construction (Conference Reading), 2016

2015 China Urban Planning Professional Steering Committee, based on multi-disciplinary theory of public participation in the design of teaching methods, 2016


Urban informality(6/7), Southeast University Press, (co-author),2010

Research Experience and Research Funding

Finance Department: China National Natural Science Foundation Granted No: ISIS584763,Research Projects: Evolution of the old city space under the perspective of Urban Informality, 09.2007-09.2010

Finance Department: Hunan Natural Science Foundation,Granted No: 2012FJ6076,Research Projects: Commercial District’s Irregular Evolution Mode, 09.2012-09.2014

Finance Department:China National Natural Science Foundation

Granted No. 51508173Research Projects: City children's play space system planning studies,09.2015-09.2017,

Finance Department: China  Doctoral Fund ,GrantedNo:201305440697 , Research Projects: Public participatory technology(PPGIS)  applied theoretical based on network, 09.2013-09.2015

Finance Department: Hunan University T ,Granted No. 2012026,Research Projects:Preliminary participatory planning teaching method, 09.2012-09.2013

Finance Department: Hunan University Young Teachers Program Fund ,Granted No. 2012071,Research Projects: City Center Commercial District’s strategies to reduce self-built models, 09.2012-09.2017

Finance Department: Hunan Science and Technology Office of Science and Technology Program,Granted No. 201133440795,Research Projects: Hunan hilly area of new affordable housing design strategy research, ,09.2010-09.2013

Main Project Practice

Lot Building Layout in historic district surrounding the construction of Changsha control, Changsha City Planning Authority, Granted No. long gauge Han [2012] No. 276, Changsha City Planning Authority

Changsha Ecological Protection Strategy residential Historic District, Changsha City Planning Authority

Changsha City Planning Authority: Changsha residential public facilities planning study, Changsha City Planning Authority

Changsha City residential public facilities planning studies, Changsha Urban and Rural Planning Authority,2015

The town of Changsha Yuchangping Town development concept plan, Yuelu district government,2013

Changsha Yuchangping town Town center transformation planning and design, Yuelu District Government,2013

2012 Changsha Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area planning revision, Changsha Urban and Rural Planning Authority,2012

Haining City in Zhejiang Haining Road landscape planning and design tender award, Haining Urban and Rural Planning Bureau,2012

West Changsha Pioneer District Meixi Kosai Area Planning Planning,2011

Guide students and other  award-winning

2015 First prize

Title: High Efficiency Medical Treatment Map, National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China, Urban and Rural Social Comprehensive Practice Research Report Competition

2015 Second Prize

Title: The Fall of Bund,National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China, Urban and Rural Social Comprehensive Practice Research Report Competition

2015 Third Prize

Title: Roof to Revolution,National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in ChinaUrban and Rural Social Comprehensive Practice Research Report Competition

2015 Honorable mention

Title: City Runway,National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China, Urban and Rural Social Comprehensive Practice Research Report Competition, 2014;

2014 Third Prize

Title: Community home care service model for the elderly,National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in ChinaUrban and Rural Social Comprehensive Practice Research Report Competition

2014 Honorable mention

Title: Bridge,National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in ChinaCity Design Competition